I say with complete circumspect
I love my folks and do respect
the chance they shaped, through love and strife
to give their boy the best chance in life
And vows they made to surpass their kin
to be better parents from within
to show the love they never had
to be a better mum and dad
and so to me to play the same
generation improvement game
I'll do this, I am truly driven.
I'll deliver what they should be given.
I'll be supportive of all their skills
and encourage them to seek out thrills
I'll arrange for social interaction
With clubs and classes they'll get the traction.
I'll watch them sing and perform in plays
and weekends will always have family days
The dreams they have will never be blighted
they'll all be taken to see united
They'll eat out and socialise
Their grand-folks will feature in their lives
they'll feel our pride in work and play
they'll hear we love them every day
And where I fail, I shan't lament
Because I set off with a good intent
And where I failed, my children three
will complete the intended legacy