Saturday, 31 March 2012

Anne's Retirement - Poems for charity

It comes with great pleasure
That I speak to you today
I'm here to draw attention
To Anne's retirement day
Im not one for public speaking
So I thought  I'd sing a song
But now that is Anne is 65
She might not last that long
So it's a poem that I've chosen
To read to celebrate
A lady who for forty years
I could proudly call my mate
For recent years, like you all
She's a colleague I hold dear
A conscientious worker
And someone we revere
Anne's pleasant and fun loving
Caring and quite kind
She is fully compus mentus
And completely of sound  mind
She never forgets a thing
And I say this with good faith
She never looses anything
Accept that bloody safe
This pocket sized jack Russell
Is ageing graciously
Is never seen out drinking
Nor  behaves disgracefully
She takes care of her body
Has no need for caffeine
Is in pristine mental health
stays away from nicotine
She never sulks at work
And is pleasant everyday
Always makes the toast
Has nothing bad to say
Okay I've stretched the truth a little
For a little bit of fun
But sincerely from us all at school
We'll miss you when you're gone.

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