Saturday, 3 September 2011

Playing out

When I was a lad,
not too long ago
I played out for a good while
a good while don't you know

Of course the summers were sunny
We had much finer weather
And time moved much more slowly then
And six weeks was for ever

But prominent in my memory
was the freedom exercised
when our parents let us play with friends
and it mainly was outside

We played in local parks
took trips down to the shops
and with no mobile phones
we ran our lives by clocks

“be home for 12 for lunch”
and “home for 5 for tea”
and every now and then
I'd take my mate with me.

With the freedom given and the boundaries pushed
I rolled in tractor tyres
I climbed school roofs, made swings over rivers
Swam in the sewer and lit fires

It's therefore no bloody wonder
that my children don’t play out
I'd like to blame it on bad men
But they've always been about

The things that restrict kids movements
Have on the main been in our heads
We worry that they'll encounter
imaginary dreads

So push their boundaries for them
Let them out after dark
Let them cross a road or two
and play in the local park

my kids are 1, 4 and 9
so things are looking bright
in 12 short years my eldest
can play out of my sight

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